Infrared Photography Books

A Less-Than-Comprehensive Bibliography

The following list contains only books that I have personally read and found useful in my own infrared photography. For convenience, I have linked titles to, in case you are not lucky enough to have a real neighborhood book store that will special order relatively obscure books. Many of these books are also available from better libraries or through interlibrary loan.

This is not by any stretch a comprehensive list of infrared photography books. Among other shortcomings, it is limited to books that I can read, so there is no coverage of extensive German writings on the subject, for example.

People sometimes ask me why a particular book on IR photography is not on my list. Probably because I either haven't read it yet, or didn't find it particularly useful. If you have a new book that you think should be on my list, feel free to send me a copy and I'll be happy to read it!

The One Book You Really Want

The most comprehensive book on infrared photography, Clark and Gibson's Photography by Infrared: Its Principles and Applications, is unfortunately out of print. You may be able to find this book in better library systems or at good used book stores. This book addresses the science behind infrared photography in far more detail than any of the popular books on the subject, and provides a wealth of useful information. Its information on specific IR films is well out of date, even in the most recent edition (1978), but the fundamentals remain sound.

In my personal opinion, the rapid growth of digital infrared photography presents an excellent opportunity for a new edition of this book, combining updated film data (adding Konica and MACO, updating Kodak's various offerings) with general information on the use of digital cameras for infrared. Any camera-specific information would of course go out of date even faster than the information on film from decades past, but the general principles will remain the same.

General Infrared Information

Infrared People Photography

Infrared Landscapes


This page written by Josh Putnam. Please feel free to email questions, comments, corrections, suggestions, etc.

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